As an alumnus of CBS News, I still enjoy a frisson of familial pride when CBS aces a story, or otherwise covers itself with journalistic glory. Such was not the case last week, however, when CBS began airing a promo claiming to have "invented original reporting on television," a claim so overweeningly bogus that the frisson it produced was one of squirming embarrassment.
Prominently featured in the promo were clips from "60 Minutes" and the "CBS Evening News", the accomplishments of whose producers and anchors over the years are legendary. Don Hewitt, Walter Cronkite, the Murrow team, and their ilk must have turned over in their graves at such a display of unwarranted hubris.
For an evenhanded take on the question read David Shedden of Poynter here, and, if you want to join me in a group cringe, see the offending promo here.